Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Breasts and Vaginas and the penis.

Moving to Malaysia, with a mix of three Asian cultures, has been a combination of slipping through a time warp to the 1950’s and being an extra in a US Fraternity Movie (comedy?).
Sadly, however, various parts of the West retain varying degrees of the crap thinking I see over here.

What am I talking about? How does that first paragraph fit with this blog page title?

The title was suggested by two of the social rules over here:
1. The man must always pay – not just for his date, but for every woman in the group.
2. Men must pamper and tolerate their womenfolk no matter how badly they behave.

The standard answer I receive when questioning females “Why should this be?” is always ”Because they’re men and we’re women”.

There is only one generic consistency when it comes to differentiating between men and women.
All women have a vagina and all men have a penis (unless nature or surgery has messed about with them.) I excluded breasts because, although typically women have larger ones, both sexes can have them. “Breasts” looked good in the title though and probably brought in a few more google search readers.

There are big, small, strong, weak, macho, feminine, long haired and short haired women. There are women that go to work and earn money and women that don’t. Some women also have to shave. There are women that can’t cook, wash, clean and/or iron.

There are big, small, strong, weak, macho and feminine, long haired and short haired men. There are men that go to work and earn money and men that don’t. Some men also wear cosmetics and perfumes. There are men that can cook, wash, clean and/or iron.

Therefore, the only sensible conclusion that I can draw is that having a vagina means being paid for and pampered, and having a penis means the opposite.

This logically leads to the assumption that men value a vagina far more than women value a penis.
The thot plickens.
Most research has shown that - despite suppressing the fact in more fanatical cultures and times – both sexes actually like SEX equally.
Heterosexual sex, at least, requires both genders’ equipment.

So, now what are we left with?
The only variables left are that vaginas must be more visually appealing than the penis and that vaginas can eject (after a while) babies! Men must pay/tolerate because women have more visually appealing equipment and can (if both parties decide it is viable) eject babies.

OK, I’m being slightly facetious here.
However, the fact is that women are not stuck at home growing/caring for babies during the dating phase, and many choose not to be even after marriage (which is compulsory for baby growing over here).
I pay a mechanic for fixing my car, not just because he could and might one day. And especially not if he works with BMWs and I drive an Audi! (or worse, he works with Beetles and I drive a Camri!).

Come on folks, let’s mature here a bit shall we and accept that the accident of being born female/male has no more intrinsic value than a love of custard!
Less actually, a love of custard is both a choice and is slightly revealing of who/what we are.